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Published by Universitas Andalas
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Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro (JNTE) adalah jurnal ilmiah peer-reviewed yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas dengan versi cetak (p-ISSN:2302-2949) dan versi elektronik (e-ISSN:2407-7267). JNTE terbit dua kali dalam setahun untuk naskah hasil/bagian penelitian yang berkaitan dengan elektrik, elektronik, telekomunikasi dan informatika.
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Articles 16 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 9, No 3: November 2020" : 16 Documents clear
Analisis Perbandingan Unjuk Kerja Database SQL dan Database NoSQL Untuk Mendukung Era Big Data Fadli, Ari; Zulfa, Mulki Indana; Widhi Nugraha, Azis Wisnu; Taryana, Acep; Aliim, Muhammad Syaiful
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (823.396 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v9n3.774.2020


Recently, the development of data in the digital world has produced new challenges. The challenge is increasing number and complexity of data and variations in data (structured and unstructured). Conventional database management system (RDBMS) is not able to answer these challenges effectively because in RDBMS uses a related structured table approach to store information. Currently present, a database management system called NoSQL. This NoSQL system was introduced to provide quick scalability (amount and complexity) and unstructured data. In this study, we present the performance analysis of RDBMS and NoSQL database management systems in the case of increasing the number of data. We use the simple php page to test database systems, experiments are done with use four data sets of different sizes from academic information systems. The database NoSQL approach is used by Redis and the SQL database approach is used by MySQL. The results show that the noSql database has a execution time better than the MySQL database, there is an increase in the speed of the execution time by 87.58% in the create operation, 85.53% in the update operation, and in the delete operation by 86.40% and while in the read operation the increase in execution time speed is obtained by 57.09%, so that on average the Redis database has a show work better than the MySQL database at 79.15%..Keywords : MySql Database, Redis Database, PHP Programming AbstrakBaru-baru ini, perkembangan data di dunia digital telah menghasilkan tantangan baru. Tantangannya adalah meningkatnya jumlah dan kompleksitas data dan variasi data (terstruktur dan tidak terstruktur). Sistem manajemen basis data konvensional (RDBMS) tidak dapat menjawab tantangan ini secara efektif karena dalam hal ini RDBMS menggunakan pendekatan tabel terstruktur sebagai konsep dalam menyimpan informasi. Saat ini, telah hadir sistem manajemen basis data yang disebut NoSQL, Sistem NoSQL memiliki kemampuan menangani data yang tidak terstruktur yang jumlah dan kompleksitas terus meningkat. Dalam penelitian ini, kami menyajikan hasil analisis perbandingan unjuk kerja Sistem Manajemen Basis Data konvensional (RDBMS) dengan NoSQL pada kemampuannya dalam menangani pertumbuhan data yang terus meningkat. Metode yang digunakan dalam melakukan analisis perbandingan unjuk kerja RDBMS dengan NoSQL adalah waktu eksekusi yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan operasi dasar pada sistem basis data yaitu create, read, delete dan update. RDMBS yang digunakan pada penelitian kali ini adalah MySQL sedangkan pada sistem NoSQL digunakan oleh Redis Database. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Redis Database memiliki waktu eksekusi yang lebih baik daripada MySQL Database, terdapat peningkatan kecepatan waktu eksekusi tersebut sebesar 87.58% pada operasi create, 85.53% pada operasi update, dan pada operasi delete sebesar 86.40% dan sedangkan pada operasi read penigkatan kecepatan waktu eksekusi yang diperoleh sebesar 57.09%, sehingga secara rata-rata database Redis memiliki unjuk kerja yang lebih baik dari database MySQL yaitu sebesar 79.15%.Kata Kunci : MySql Database, Redis Database, Pemgoramaman PHP
Peningkatan Daya Output Photovoltaik Dengan Penambahan Lapisan Kaca Film Pada Permukaannya Pawawoi, Andi; Pranata, Vegi Apria
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1297.161 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v9n3.712.2020


One of the parameters that affect photovoltaic output is temperature. The optimum working temperature of photovoltaic is in the range of 25oC. Any increase in temperature will cause a decrease in photovoltaic output. Window film is one of the most widely used materials to block heat while still being able to pass sunlight. The main characteristic of window film that can block heat is known as the IRR (Infra Red Rejected) and the ability to pass light is known as the VLT (Visible Light Transmittance). The greater the VLT, the smaller its ability to block heat, and vice versa. In its application to photovoltaics, it is necessary to find and test suitable window film for increasing the photovoltaic output power. In this paper, the results of testing of 3 types of window films with different VLT, the highest, medium and low VLT films chosen according to the market, namely VLT: 90%, 72% and 60%. The third window film is applied by sticking it to the surface of the photovoltaic. The test is carried out by comparing it with standard photovoltaic (without window film) on sunny weather from 10:00 to 14:00 each for 3 days. The results showed that photovoltaic film coated with 90% VLT was able to increase the average output power by +49.36%, while  those coated with 72% and 60% VLT had decreased power respectively -6.53% and -26.20 % Keywords : Photovoltaic power, Window film, Heat reductionAbstrakSalah satu parameter yang mempengaruhi output photovoltaik adalah temperatur. Temperatur kerja optimum photovoltaik berada pada kisaran 25oC. Setiap kenaikan temperatur akan menyebabkan penurunan output photovoltaik. Kaca film adalah salah satu material yang banyak digunakan untuk memblok panas namun tetap mampu melewatkan cahaya matahari. Karakteristik utama kaca film yang dapat memblok panas dikenal dengan istilah IRR (Infra Red Rejected) dan kemampuan melewatkan cahaya dikenal dengan istilah VLT (Visible Light Transmittance). Semakin besar VLT maka semkin kecil kemampuannya memblok panas, demikian juga sebaliknya. Dalam aplikasinya pada photovoltaik, perlu dicari dan diuji  kaca film yang sesuai untuk peningkatan daya output photovoltaik. Dalam tulisan ini diuraikan hasil pengujian 3 jenis kaca film dengan VLT yang berbeda, dipilih kaca film dengan VLT tertinggi, sedang dan rendah sesuai yang ada di pasaran, yaitu VLT: 90%, 72% dan 60%. Ketiga kaca film tersebut diaplikasikan dengan cara ditempelkan pada permukaan photovoltaik. Pengujian dilakukan dengan membandingkannya dengan photovoltaik standar (tanpa kaca film) pada cuara cerah dari jam 10.00 hingga jam 14.00 masing-masing selam 3 hari. Hasilnya menunjukkan photovoltaik dilapisi kaca film dengan VLT 90% mampu meningkatkan daya output rata-rata 49,36%, sementara yang dilapisi kaca film dengan VLT 72% dan 60 % mengalami penurunan daya berturut-turut  -6,53 % dan -26,20% Kata Kunci : Daya Photovoltaik, Kaca film, Reduksi panas
Pengembangan Electronic Load Controller untuk Self-Excited Induction Generator Berbasis Penyearah Tiga Fase Menggunakan Raspberry Pi Hakim, Ihsan Nur; Amdrian, Aan Listanto; Pradana, Adlan Bagus; Wardana, Awang Noor Indra
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1862.104 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v9n3.802.2020


A self-excited induction generator (SEIG) could provide electricity for isolated areas appropriately. An electronic load controller (ELC) with Raspberry Pi is designed to overcome the voltage and frequency changing of SEIG caused by load changing, while ab le to support distributed system trend with Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and Control (4DIAC). The ELC design is based on the characteristics of SEIG and Indonesian electricity system standards. The design is then implemented, and the characteristics are identified. The output of SEIG is regulated at frequency of 50 Hz and terminal voltage of 294 V. A voltage sensor is designed with a transformer, filters, rectifier, and ADC. The actuator consisted of a three-phase rectifier, dump load, optocoupler driver, and IGBT. A PI-controller based on Python is applied in Raspberry Pi Zero with experimentally tuned Kp and Ki values both of 5.0. The output changing of SEIG caused by load changing could be regulated within the Indonesian electricity frequency standard in its steady state. The maximum voltage deviation from the nominal value is -12.24%, while the maximum frequency deviation is +3.2%, and the longest settling time is 832 ms.Keywords : induction generator, electronic load controller and Raspberry Pi.
Perancangan Sensor Gerak Benda pada Benturan Berlebihan untuk Pengujian Pre-Straining Spring Momentum Exchange Impact Dumper (PSMEID) Dengan Metoda Prediksi Waktu Benturan (Preview) Darmawan, Darmawan; Lovelyson, Lovelyson; Pharmayeni, Pharmayeni
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (585.031 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v9n3.713.2020


Vibration that occurs due to excessive impact can damage the construction of an object. Excessive Impact which usually occurs at certain times such as aircraft landing gear collisions with runways that can be fatal if the vibrations produced cannot be controlled properly. One method to reduce vibration caused by excessive impact is called PSMEID (Pre-Straining Momentum Exchange Impact Dumper), which in this case utilizes momentum from a period placed in the main period in which the direction of the style is opposite to the force produced by the collision. In previous studies the PSMEID system was activated shortly after the collision, due to the absence of a sensor mechanism to detect the vibrations and movements of objects that occur. In this case, this research tries to design a sensor system that can detect the movement of objects before an Excessive impact occurs. By knowing the position and condition of the object just before the collision, it can be predicted the time of the collision so that the time of mass release with a spring push that has been stretched (pre-straining) in the opposite direction from the direction of collision gives more optimal results to reduce vibrations from the collision. This study designed various of sensors system consisting of vibration sensors, acceleration sensors and proximity sensors that work in such a way that the PSMEID activation time is close to / equal to the time of the initial collision so that momentum and acceleration can be reduced. In the initial testing this sensor system only involves vibration sensor, where PSMEID can be activated 32 millisecond.Keywords : Excessive Impact, PSMEIDAbstrakGetaran yang terjadi diakibatkan oleh benturan  yang berlebihan (Excessive Impact) dapat merusak kontruksi sebuah benda. Excessive Impact yang biasanya terjadi pada waktu tertentu saja seperti benturan roda pendaratan pesawat dengan landasan pacu yang dapat berakibat fatal jika getaran yang dihasilkan tidak dapat dikontrol dengan baik. Salah satu metoda untuk mereduksi getaran yang diakibatkan dari (Excessive Impact) disebut sebagai PSMEID (Pre-Straining Momentum Exchange Impact Dumper), dimana dalam hal ini memanfaat momentum dari sebuah masa yang ditempatkan pada masa utama yang arah gayanya berlawanan dengan gaya yang dihasilkan oleh benturan. Pada penelitian sebelumnya system PSMEID diaktifkan sesaat setelah terjadinya benturan, karena tidak adanya mekanisme sensor untuk mendeteksi vibbrasi dan pergerakan benda yang terjadi. Maka dalam hal ini, penelitian ini mencoba merancang sistem sensor yang dapat mendeteksi pergerakan benda sebelum terjadinyanya Excessive impact. Dengan mengetahui posisi dan kondisi benda sesaat sebelum terjadi benturan maka dapat diprediksi waktu benturan sehingga waktu pelepasan massa dengan dorongan pegas yang sudah diregangkan (pre-straining) dengan arah yang berlawanan dari arah benturan memberikan hasil yang lebih optimal untuk mereduksi getaran dari benturan yang terjadi. Penelitian ini merancang system multinsensor yang terdiri dari sensor vibrasi, sensor percepatan dan sensor jarak yang bekerja sedekian rupa sehingga waktu aktifasi PSMEID mendekati/sama dengan waktu terjadinya benturan awal sehingga momentum dan percepatan dapat direduksi. Pada pengujian awal system sensor ini hanya melibatkan sensor vibrasi saja, dimana PSMEID mampu diaktifkan 32 ms.Kata Kunci : Excessive Impact, PSMEID
Harmonics of CF and LED lamps - Maximum Penetration Perspective on Power Quality in Distribution Systems Effah, Francis Boafo; Gasu, Philip; Okyere, Philip; Acakpovi, Amevi
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v9n3.795.2020


Global energy saving efforts have led to replacement of incandescent lamps with energy-efficient ones like light-emitting diode (LED) and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). These lamps, being non-linear loads, have the potential of injecting harmonics into distribution networks. In this paper, harmonics injection of common CFL and LED lamps at a facility point of common coupling is investigated. To gain insight into large scale penetration effects on power quality, field measurement results of popular lamps used in Ghana were replicated in MATLAB/Simulink through simulation. The field results showed that LED lamps exhibit more harmonics compared to CFL lamps. Maximum possible loading on a 100-kVA, 11kV/0.433kV distribution transformer was found to be 24.02% for CFL, 27.14% for LED, and 40.91% for a mixture of the two lamps, respectively, in order not to violate IEEE 519-2014 standard. The influence of other common loads such as ceiling fans on the lamps’ harmonics were assessed in the field measurement. The use of ceiling fans with the lamps in the facility reduced the harmonics and improved the power factor of the facility. Since the lamps exist in residential and commercial facilities with other loads, more penetration of energy-saving lamps in the distribution system will have little influence on power quality.Keywords: Compact fluorescent lamps, light emitting diodes, maximum power loading, total harmonic distortion, point of common coupling
Optimal Smart Grid Management System in Campus Building Putri, Syarifah Muthia; Maizana, Dina
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1120.97 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v9n3.757.2020


The utilization of well-managed electrical energy sources will result in high energy efficiency and reliability. Smart grid uses electricity management with 2-way communication that allows loads and sources to corporate each other. Campus is a place that requires priority in the availability of energy and it requires smart grid management. This research will contain smart grid management systems on campus that use multisource to fulfil dynamic loads conditions so as to produce optimal smart grid management. The method that use to analysis the system is conventional method. The optimal smart grid achieved by analysis the sources and loads energy needed and then create a management system that have substantial impact on campus electrical system. The results of this research that smart grid system ensures electrical conditions for the needs of these dynamic loads can be fulfilled which is without a smart grid there is lack of energy for 3 days, whereas with a smart grid there is no lack of energy in the campus building.Keywords : Smart Grid, Campus, Management
IoT-Based Logistic Robot for Real-Time Monitoring and Control Patients during COVID-19 Pandemic Hafidz, Isa; Adiputra, Dimas; Montolalu, Billy; Prastyabudi, Wahyu Andy; Widyantara, Helmy; Afandi, Mas Aly
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v9n3.810.2020


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a disease that disrupts the respiratory tract and infects many people. However, until now, there is still no cure. Therefore a robot service is proposed to minimize direct contact between nurses and patients who are equipped with PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Robot Service is a robot carrying logistics for patients in the Isolation Room. The robot is expected to be able to help medical personnel work and reduce the risk of medical personnel being exposed to the virus while in the Isolation Room. This robot has a feature to rotate and move along the hospital hallway, using either automatic or normal mode. This robot is also equipped with an Omni infrared camera that can see the environmental conditions around the robot so that it can make it easier for operators to run this robot with a Wi-Fi communication system. With this robot, medical workers can deliver the needs of patients without having to meet face to face, so that the risk of being exposed to the virus can be reduced.Keywords: Coronavirus, Hospital, Medical Personnel, Robot AbstrakCoronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a disease that disrupts the respiratory tract and infects many people. However, until now, there is still no cure. Therefore a robot service is proposed to minimize direct contact between nurses and patients who are equipped with PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Robot Service is a robot carrying logistics for patients in the Isolation Room. The robot is expected to be able to help medical personnel work and reduce the risk of medical personnel being exposed to the virus while in the Isolation Room. This robot has a feature to rotate and move along the hospital hallway, using either automatic or normal mode. This robot is also equipped with an Omni infrared camera that can see the environmental conditions around the robot so that it can make it easier for operators to run this robot with a Wi-Fi communication system. With this robot, medical workers can deliver the needs of patients without having to meet face to face, so that the risk of being exposed to the virus can be reduced.Kata Kunci: Coronavirus, Hospital, Medical Personnel, Robot
Design of a GSM-Based Skimming Reporting System for Automated Teller Machines Ofosu, Robert Agyare; Fuseini, Mununi; Nii Atuquaye, Ernest Quaye
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1288.682 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v9n3.770.2020


In recent years, there has been the unpleasant advent of a new type of credit card fraud called Automated Teller Machine (ATM) skimming. This type of fraud poses a substantial threat to the banking sector because its modus operandi is quite subtler than other known types of ATM fraud. It consists of a criminal implanting a disguised dummy card reader very similar to the ATM’s original card reader at the ATM. This is done to intercept the ATM card data of any unsuspecting customer who tries to withdraw cash. This paper seeks to design a system which will be able to detect and report such devices before they cause harm. The objective of this research was achieved by designing a skimmer incorporating the use of a metal detector for detecting new electronic components within the ATMs card slot region, an ultrasonic sensor for detecting unfamiliar skimmer overlays and the processing power of a microcontroller to coordinate theses sensors which monitor the status of the ATM terminal’s original card reader and send a Short Message Service (SMS) text message whenever the system detects that a skimmer has been attached to the ATM terminal. This concept of skimming detection was designed, tested and simulated under several operating conditions in Proteus 8.0 simulation software to prove the detection method’s efficacy. The simulation results showed that the proposed system provided a decent theoretical skimmer detection technique. However, other factors such as metal detector oscillator instability and the difficulty in accurately modelling the composition of ATM skimmers served as this design’s major drawbacks.Keywords : ATM, Skimming, GSM, Microcontroller
Peningkatan Daya Output Photovoltaik Dengan Penambahan Lapisan Kaca Film Pada Permukaannya Andi Pawawoi; Vegi Apria Pranata
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1297.161 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v9n3.712.2020


One of the parameters that affect photovoltaic output is temperature. The optimum working temperature of photovoltaic is in the range of 25oC. Any increase in temperature will cause a decrease in photovoltaic output. Window film is one of the most widely used materials to block heat while still being able to pass sunlight. The main characteristic of window film that can block heat is known as the IRR (Infra Red Rejected) and the ability to pass light is known as the VLT (Visible Light Transmittance). The greater the VLT, the smaller its ability to block heat, and vice versa. In its application to photovoltaics, it is necessary to find and test suitable window film for increasing the photovoltaic output power. In this paper, the results of testing of 3 types of window films with different VLT, the highest, medium and low VLT films chosen according to the market, namely VLT: 90%, 72% and 60%. The third window film is applied by sticking it to the surface of the photovoltaic. The test is carried out by comparing it with standard photovoltaic (without window film) on sunny weather from 10:00 to 14:00 each for 3 days. The results showed that photovoltaic film coated with 90% VLT was able to increase the average output power by +49.36%, while  those coated with 72% and 60% VLT had decreased power respectively -6.53% and -26.20 % Keywords : Photovoltaic power, Window film, Heat reductionAbstrakSalah satu parameter yang mempengaruhi output photovoltaik adalah temperatur. Temperatur kerja optimum photovoltaik berada pada kisaran 25oC. Setiap kenaikan temperatur akan menyebabkan penurunan output photovoltaik. Kaca film adalah salah satu material yang banyak digunakan untuk memblok panas namun tetap mampu melewatkan cahaya matahari. Karakteristik utama kaca film yang dapat memblok panas dikenal dengan istilah IRR (Infra Red Rejected) dan kemampuan melewatkan cahaya dikenal dengan istilah VLT (Visible Light Transmittance). Semakin besar VLT maka semkin kecil kemampuannya memblok panas, demikian juga sebaliknya. Dalam aplikasinya pada photovoltaik, perlu dicari dan diuji  kaca film yang sesuai untuk peningkatan daya output photovoltaik. Dalam tulisan ini diuraikan hasil pengujian 3 jenis kaca film dengan VLT yang berbeda, dipilih kaca film dengan VLT tertinggi, sedang dan rendah sesuai yang ada di pasaran, yaitu VLT: 90%, 72% dan 60%. Ketiga kaca film tersebut diaplikasikan dengan cara ditempelkan pada permukaan photovoltaik. Pengujian dilakukan dengan membandingkannya dengan photovoltaik standar (tanpa kaca film) pada cuara cerah dari jam 10.00 hingga jam 14.00 masing-masing selam 3 hari. Hasilnya menunjukkan photovoltaik dilapisi kaca film dengan VLT 90% mampu meningkatkan daya output rata-rata 49,36%, sementara yang dilapisi kaca film dengan VLT 72% dan 60 % mengalami penurunan daya berturut-turut  -6,53 % dan -26,20% Kata Kunci : Daya Photovoltaik, Kaca film, Reduksi panas
Perancangan Sensor Gerak Benda pada Benturan Berlebihan untuk Pengujian Pre-Straining Spring Momentum Exchange Impact Dumper (PSMEID) Dengan Metoda Prediksi Waktu Benturan (Preview) Darmawan Darmawan; Lovelyson Lovelyson; Pharmayeni Pharmayeni
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (585.031 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v9n3.713.2020


Vibration that occurs due to excessive impact can damage the construction of an object. Excessive Impact which usually occurs at certain times such as aircraft landing gear collisions with runways that can be fatal if the vibrations produced cannot be controlled properly. One method to reduce vibration caused by excessive impact is called PSMEID (Pre-Straining Momentum Exchange Impact Dumper), which in this case utilizes momentum from a period placed in the main period in which the direction of the style is opposite to the force produced by the collision. In previous studies the PSMEID system was activated shortly after the collision, due to the absence of a sensor mechanism to detect the vibrations and movements of objects that occur. In this case, this research tries to design a sensor system that can detect the movement of objects before an Excessive impact occurs. By knowing the position and condition of the object just before the collision, it can be predicted the time of the collision so that the time of mass release with a spring push that has been stretched (pre-straining) in the opposite direction from the direction of collision gives more optimal results to reduce vibrations from the collision. This study designed various of sensors system consisting of vibration sensors, acceleration sensors and proximity sensors that work in such a way that the PSMEID activation time is close to / equal to the time of the initial collision so that momentum and acceleration can be reduced. In the initial testing this sensor system only involves vibration sensor, where PSMEID can be activated 32 millisecond.Keywords : Excessive Impact, PSMEIDAbstrakGetaran yang terjadi diakibatkan oleh benturan  yang berlebihan (Excessive Impact) dapat merusak kontruksi sebuah benda. Excessive Impact yang biasanya terjadi pada waktu tertentu saja seperti benturan roda pendaratan pesawat dengan landasan pacu yang dapat berakibat fatal jika getaran yang dihasilkan tidak dapat dikontrol dengan baik. Salah satu metoda untuk mereduksi getaran yang diakibatkan dari (Excessive Impact) disebut sebagai PSMEID (Pre-Straining Momentum Exchange Impact Dumper), dimana dalam hal ini memanfaat momentum dari sebuah masa yang ditempatkan pada masa utama yang arah gayanya berlawanan dengan gaya yang dihasilkan oleh benturan. Pada penelitian sebelumnya system PSMEID diaktifkan sesaat setelah terjadinya benturan, karena tidak adanya mekanisme sensor untuk mendeteksi vibbrasi dan pergerakan benda yang terjadi. Maka dalam hal ini, penelitian ini mencoba merancang sistem sensor yang dapat mendeteksi pergerakan benda sebelum terjadinyanya Excessive impact. Dengan mengetahui posisi dan kondisi benda sesaat sebelum terjadi benturan maka dapat diprediksi waktu benturan sehingga waktu pelepasan massa dengan dorongan pegas yang sudah diregangkan (pre-straining) dengan arah yang berlawanan dari arah benturan memberikan hasil yang lebih optimal untuk mereduksi getaran dari benturan yang terjadi. Penelitian ini merancang system multinsensor yang terdiri dari sensor vibrasi, sensor percepatan dan sensor jarak yang bekerja sedekian rupa sehingga waktu aktifasi PSMEID mendekati/sama dengan waktu terjadinya benturan awal sehingga momentum dan percepatan dapat direduksi. Pada pengujian awal system sensor ini hanya melibatkan sensor vibrasi saja, dimana PSMEID mampu diaktifkan 32 ms.Kata Kunci : Excessive Impact, PSMEID

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